Le CEIB et l’axe 3 “Histoire et sociologie du fait religieux en Asie de l’Est” de l’IFRAE (Inalco), sont heureux d’accueillir le prof. Chi Shuai (Nankai University) pour une conférence sur les pratiques des jeunes générations dans le cadre du bouddhisme. Cette conférence sera donnée en anglais, le 11 mai 2023 de 18h30 à 19h30 en salle 3.03 du PLC rue des Grands Moulins.

Titre de la conférence : The Cultural Practice of Educated Youths in Chinese Buddhism

Intervenant : Chi Shuai 迟帅 (Nankai University)

Date & heure : 11 mai 2023 de 18h30 à 19h30

Lieu : salle 3.03, 65 rue des Grands Moulins, 75013 Paris

Abstract: This case study of a Chan community in China aims at the exposition of the complicated relationship between the religious and cultural orientation of the Buddhist community, and situates it in a larger context of religious change in China. I specify the tension between the community and its surroundings, describe the internal structure of the community, and analyze how the educated youths involved regulate the boundaries between cultural knowledge and religious faith and practice. This article finds that in addition to the external display of the religious symbols, it is more essential to ascertain the integration between the cultural absorption and religious practice in the analysis of the religious change.

Keywords: Chan community, educated youths, Buddhism

Présentation de l’intervenant :

Chi Shuai, born in January 1987, master of sociology, Peking University, and doctor of sociology, Gottingen University, Germany; Associate Professor; Employer: Zhou Enlai School of Government, Nankai University; Research direction: Social theory, political philosophy, religious sociology, Marxist sociology, comparative study of Chinese and Western ideological history; Main achievements: papers published in journals such as Research on World Religions, World Religious Culture, Society, Guangdong Social Sciences and Tianjin Social Sciences;

  • Published monograph: Chi, Shuai. Charisma and community: the redefinition of religion, culture and ideology in post Mao China, Goettingen University, 476 pp., 2017.
  • Project Leader: 2017-2020, Chinese culture translation project of National Social Science Foundation of China: 60 years of contemporary Chinese religion.
  • Translated works:
    • English translation [Australia], Michael Yang, biography of Malinowski: Odyssey of an anthropologist, 1884-1920, translators: Song Yi, Song Hongjuan, Chi Shuai, Peking University Press, 683 pages, October 2013.
    • German translation [Germany], Julian Nida lumlin, Rationalität und Verantwortung, Peking University Press, translated by Chi Shuai, February 2017
    • English translation, Zhuo Xinping (EDS), Contemporary Chinese Religious Studies, translated by Chi Shuai, Paths International Ltd. 2020;
    • German translation [Germany], Schluchter, Weber’s spaeter Soziologie, translated by Chi Shuai, Sanlian bookstore, forthcoming.



  • 出版专著:Chi, Shuai. Charisma and community: The redefinition of religion, culture and ideology in Post-Mao China, Goettingen University, 476 pp., 2017.
  • 主持项目:2017-2020年,国家社会科学基金中华文化外译项目:《当代中国宗教学60年》。
  • 译著:
    • 英译本【澳】迈克尔•扬,《马林诺夫斯基传:一位人类学家的奥德赛,1884—1920》,(原作名:Odysssey of An Anthropologist 1884-1920),译者:宋奕、宋红娟、迟帅,北京大学出版社,683页,2013年10月。
    • 德译本【德】朱立安·尼达·卢姆林,《理性与责任》(Rationalität und Verantwortung),北京大学出版社,迟帅译,2017年2月。
    • 英文版 Zhuo Xinping (eds), Contemporary Chinese Religious Studies, translated by Chi Shuai, Paths International Ltd. 2020.
    • 德译本【德】施鲁赫特,《韦伯晚期社会学》,迟帅译,三联书店,将出。

Pour nous contacter : antoine.cid@inalco.fr et peronnet.amandine@gmail.com