Dans le cadre de son cycle de conférence sur le bouddhisme et l’art, en partenariat avec la fondation Glorisun, le CEIB accueille le 14 juin 2024 Monika Zin, du Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig, qui donnera une conférence intitulée The Tocharians of Kucha: Tracing Their Local Culture through Buddhist Paintings.
Informations pratiques
Titre / Title: The Tocharians of Kucha: Tracing Their Local Culture through Buddhist Paintings
Conférencier / Lecturer : Monika Zin (Saxon Academy of Sciences and Humanities, Leipzig)
Financement / Funding : Glorisun Charitable Foundation
Date et heure / Date and Time : le vendredi 14 juin de 15h à 16h15 / June 14, 3 PM (Paris)
Lieu / Location : Salle de Sacy, Maison de la Recherche, Inalco, 2 rue de Lille, 75007 Paris
Organisation : Antoine Cid, Amandine Péronnet
Résumé / Abstract
Monika Zin studied dramatics, literature and art history at Jagiellonian University, Krakow Indology and Indian art history at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich. She taught Indian and Central Asian art history in Munich, at the Universität Leipzig and the Freie Universität Berlin. Since 2016 she is heads the research team “Buddhist Murals of Kucha Region on the Northern Silk Road” hosted by the Saxon Academy of Science and Humanities in Leipzig. Monika Zin has published widely on numerous aspects of Buddhist art on the techniques of South and Central Asian Buddhist narrative paintings. |
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